Mission- Rescue Earth

We don’t want any of this data to take a toll on you.
All we want is to trigger and focus on the need to take
recycling paper more seriously than ever.

So now, how do we rescue the Earth?
Let’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Recycling just a mere ton of waste paper saves us a tremendous amount of natural resources, keeps the environment cleaner and reduces the damage done. We can give paper a second life and thus safeguard the forests and rivers from being exhausted alongside the air we are polluting in the paper making factories as well.

Do you still remember the slogans of ‘Save trees’ during Environment Day at school? It’s high time to follow it. Let’s save papers from going to landfills by recycling them. Let us not pay the price with our life giving green trees.

It becomes our responsibility as an individual as well as an entity to help save the Blue Planet from becoming a dumping ground of waste paper. Every Corporation and Organisation must encourage its people to step up for responsible use of paper and 100% waste paper recycling.

Some ways your Organisation can help save the environment are:

  • Reducing, reusing and recycling waste papers
  • Keeping The Green Box in the vicinity of the desks. The employees may discard the waste papers in it & save the trees from going to the bin
  • Conducting CSR drives like sapling plantation, sapling donation, maintaining a public park or a water body

9 Easy Ways to Reduce Paper Waste and save trees sitting at your workplace: 

  1. Have a recycling bin and ensuring all paper waste goes in it
  2. The paper has 2 sides so, why not use both?
  3. Cultivate usage of cotton napkin instead of tissues
  4. If you end up using tissues then limit it to one, instead of picking the second one
  5. Digital copy of a file can be used instead of a printed one 
  6. Avoid using disposable paper plates and cups rather use reusable utensils at pantry
  7. Avoid seeking print receipts after card transactions at cafeteria’s
  8. Papers with confidential information can be shredded and dropped in recycling bin
  9. Carry reusable bags instead of buying paper bags for one time use